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[ Downloaden (131.5 Kb) ] 2009-09-06, 6:16 AM
Domnios ist der Nachfolger von Bongos 3 und eine Alternative zu Bartender4. Das Actionbaraddon ermöglicht euch auf einfache weise das erstellen von Leisten nach individuellem Geschmack. Die Einstellungen erreicht man über esc -> interface -> Addons oder über /dom. Um einen Button einem Hotkey zuzuweisen gebt /kb ein,fahrt mit der Maus über den Knopf und drückt dann den Hotkey eurer Wahl.
Kategorie: Addons | Hinzugefügt von: Frozen-WoW
Aufrufe: 1141 | Downloads: 339 | Kommentare: 3 | Rating: 0.0/0
Kommentare insgesamt: 1
1 Jayesh  
I was about to say: Is there really any difeerfnce? An MSP can deliver Cloud Services, both public, private and hybrids, depending on their offer? A Managed Service is most often assumed to be connected to a physical device but all services has to be managed by someone at some point, even Cloud Services. But to keep things apart I would say it is easier to keep the definition Managed Service when managing a physical device, even though it can be part of a cloud solution, and then often a private cloud. But why should a service be defined as a Managed Service if systems is connected to a physical server and as an Cloud if a system is connected to virtual server? That definition is new to me. At our company (TeleComputing) most of our services are Managed Services mainly delivered in or through private clouds. We deliver Managed Clients (DaaS) but they are managed from a SCCM ran on a VM. I assume this is an IBM-site but if we take Win Intune as an example it is a cloud service managing OS on physical clients. So maybe; is there really any difeerfnce?

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